Publication Details

The publication details tab displays a number of important details about the current publication.  These include:

Name - The name of your publication.  This is a required field but can be changed at anytime.

Description - The description of your publication.  This is an optional field and can be changed at any time.

Type - The publication type.  A publication can be either 'Article' or 'Issue' based and cannot be changed once created.

Thumbnail - The image that is used to distinguish the publication.  This is optional and can be changed at any time.  It is not used outside of Canvasflow. 

Created on: - The date the publication was created.  This cannot be changed. 

Created by: The name of the user that created the publication.  This cannot be changed.

Connected Channels - The publishing channels currently connected to this publication. 

Text Direction - The default text direction of all articles within this publication.

Editing a publication details

  1. Navigate to the settings menu of a publication and select the 'Details' tab.
  2. Click the edit button on the right and select 'Edit'.  
  3. The fields that are eligible to be changed will become editable.  
  4. Make the required changes and click 'Save' to apply.

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