Publishing to Zinio
To Publish to Zinio:
- First, make sure your Issue has an Issue ID and a Release Date set in the Issue Settings by navigating to the Issue Manager, and selecting the cog icon
- Specify an Issue ID and Release Date (These fields are required for Zinio)
- Select 'Update'
- Navigate to the ‘Article Manager’ view
- Publish all of the articles that are to be part of the Zinio issue by selecting the checkboxes and then choosing ‘Publish Selected’ in the toolbar
- Once articles are published, Click the download ‘Prism XML’ button in the toolbar
- When the download completes, you’ll have a compiled ZIP that contains each article in XML format, as well as all images and cover image associated with the issue
- You can now upload this file to Zinio via the uploading tool supplied to you by Zinio.