Editing a Style

Once a style has been built, its properties can be edited at any time. 

Editing a Style 

  1. Navigate to the style manager and locate the style you wish to edit.
  2. From the 'Options' column, click the 'cog' button.  An 'Edit style' window will be displayed.
  3. Edit the name and/or description 
  4. Edit the 'Scope' of the style (either Publication or Global - explained here)
  5. Edit the Tablet and/or Desktop Device Style (if required)

  6. Click 'Update' to apply changes. 

Editing a style from the article builder

It's also possible to edit a style directly from the article builder. To do this:

  1. Open an article in the editor 
  2. Select the 'Styles' drop down menu
  3. Click 'Edit' next to the chosen style
  4. You'll be taken into the style editor in 'Article-View' mode

  5. The 'Article-View' mode allows you to edit the style of components in context of the content you're working on.  
  6. Click the component you wish to edit to reveal the style properties. 
  7. To switch back to the Default view, select 'Switch to Default View' at any time.

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