Creating a New Style

Canvasflow provides the ability to create an unlimited number of styles.  Each style can be individually customised and linked to one or more articles.

Creating a new style

  1. From the dashboard, select the publication you wish to work on.
  2. From the style manager menu, click the 'Create style' button at the top right. 

  3. Give your style a name and a description.
  4. Select the 'Scope' of Style you wish to create, either 'Publication' or 'Global' (Read more on Style Types here)
  5. Select the 'Type' of Style you wish to create, either Article, Inline or Device. (Article is the standard Style type)
  6. If you wish to create the style from an existing style, select 'Copy From' from the 'Source' list, or 'Inherit From' to create an Inherited Style. Otherwise select 'New'
  7. Click 'Create'.  Your new style will be created and will appear in the style manager list

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